Delacorte Review - Longform Nonfiction Stories

The Delacorte Review publishes narrative nonfiction and connects passionate nonfiction writers with readers. We do this through experimental methods of gathering, selecting, editing, and distributing ambitious narrative stories, and, eventually, researching the reading and sharing behavior around those stories.


Original works of narrative nonfiction of between 3,500 and 20,000 words. By narrative we mean a story with a beginning, middle and end - though not necessarily told in that order -- propelled by a simple question: What happened next? We publish stories that are grounded in reporting. The reporting should be the engine that drives the narrative. Even if you have a memoir we are looking for stories in which an author's curiosity compelled him or her to find our more, to research and report and challenge those memories.

The work cannot have been published elsewhere.

 If you have submitted the story to other publications please let us know. We're fine with simultaneous submissions, but ask that if your story is accepted elsewhere you inform us quickly.  We do not accept multiple submissions.  


Writers are paid $500 per story. 

Nota bene: All stories must be 100% true. This is journalism.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.